How We Succeed

There have been countless lives changed because of Back on My Feet. I see it every day. I see confidence going up—in the same way I gained confidence from running triathlons. I see people feeling good about themselves and feeling like they add value back to the community.

Being a student at Kelley Indianapolis built my confidence. When I first got into the Evening MBA Program, I thought, “I’m way in over my head; I don’t have the same skills that my classmates do.” But as I started working with groups of students, I realized that I brought skills to the table that others didn’t. I realized that my skill set is equally as valuable.

Kelley Evening MBA alumnae Chrissy Vasquez jogs along the canal in downtown Indianapolis.
I was already volunteering with Back on My Feet Indianapolis when I became that chapter’s executive director in 2013. I knew from my own running I had the skills necessary to relate to our members, to make their lives better. But I also had momentum from the skills that I learned at Kelley Indianapolis to make a change in the organization.